If you want to know how to study abroad in short-term programs, first find out if your home university partners with universities abroad. If so, this may be the easiest route for you when it comes to transferring credits. Many schools have partnerships with a variety of universities all ove...
Feeder Schools aims to provide parents with a snapshot of how many students from each school in the Republic of Ireland go on to third-level colleges in Ireland
InScotland, all state school children up to primary five (around four to nine years old) get the meals automatically. There are plans for this to be extended to pupils in receipt of the Scottish child payment in primary six and seven from February. InWalesall primary school children in stat...
the Belfast Agreement arrangements have a built-in veto that means one of the two largest parties can prevent the institutions from operating at any point. With many fraught and disputed matters to navigate over the years — not just limited to culture, legacy or the constitutional q...
In March, Fallin Primary - which has a roll of around 200 pupils - sent out more than 80 of the new-style letters flagging poor attendance, and received responses from around three-quarters of parents and carers. Through that engagement, the school found that many children were anxious abou...
an English and media teacher at John Paul Academy in Glasgow, and Sharon Walker, a Primary 1 teacher at The Drelincourt School, an infants’ school in Armagh, Northern Ireland, talk about how film has helped them to boost literacy skills and confidence among students in their schools, and ...
The purpose of this study was to examine contrasting managerial approaches to cultural diversity in secondary schools in Northern Ireland and understand the influence of different approaches on school culture and student attitudes. Northern Ireland has a long-standing history of conflict between Protestant...
Face coverings must be worn in post-primary schools and on public and school transport in Northern Ireland. If you’re concerned about wearing a face mask and don’t think you’re exempt, try theseface mask bracket inserts(pictured below) to help make breathing in a mask easier. ...
music and drama deemed non-essential to this educational mix, arts education in state schools at both primary and secondary level in England has been badly hit. Zafirakou says: ‘If we’re not saying to schools that you’ve got to provide an arts curriculum, then schools aren’t going to...
Data was collected in 2003–05 from a cross-sectional cohort of 15–17 yr old adolescents in 61 post primary schools in Ireland. Participants self-reported distance, mode of transport to school and barriers to active commuting. Trained researchers took physical measurements of height and weight. ...