How many ppm (by weight, mg/kg) of tungsten are present in 2.1 grams of a 0.00312% W ore? What is the concentration in ppm of Ag in a 245 lb of Ore that contains 83.5 g of silver? A part per million is equivalent to: A) one percent. B) one microgram per liter. C) on...
Today, ppm is an essential tool in many scientific disciplines. It allows researchers to quantify the concentration of substances in a solution or a mixture with great precision. Whether it’s monitoring pollutants in the air, analyzing water samples for causes and effects of water pollution, or...
CO in combustion emissions has its origin in incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons from the fuel in particular through lack of oxygen. The adverse health effects are due to the binding with haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin, which affects gas exchange and cellular respiration. Inhaling excessive ...
A number called the MCL, or maximum contamination level, represents the highest value that can be considered safe. It is often expressed as ppb (or μg/L) or ppm (or mg/L). Many common substances have MCL levels in the general range of one of these units. The metal arsenic, for exa...
Once plants spread across Mars, they would start producing oxygen. After a few hundred or thousand years, Mars might actually have an environment that humans could simply walk around in -- all thanks to the greenhouse effect. Global Warming: What's Happening? Power plants, cattle and cars ...
Many algaes use nitrates as a food source. In this case, I recommend keeping the nitrate levels below 10 ppm. This helps deprive the algae of its food source, making it easier to eradicate. FishLab Fact: The “lower nitrates are better” rule is thrown out the window if you have a pl...
Answer to: How many pounds of material is one ppm (mg/liter) equivalent to in a 25ft x 75 ft x 5 ft swimming pool that is completely full? By...
Once plants spread across Mars, they would start producing oxygen. After a few hundred or thousand years, Mars might actually have an environment that humans could simply walk around in -- all thanks to the greenhouse effect. Global Warming: What's Happening? Power plants, cattle and cars ...
Ozone is removed from water in three ways: UV radiation, chemicals, and activated carbon. Ozone (O3) is a naturally occurring gas found in the earth’s atmosphere composed of three oxygen atoms joined together. Also, ozone is much more reactive than atmospheric oxygen (O2) as it contains an...
根据上文There's a beliefthatitisinadvisabletohaveplantsinthebedroom.Theconcernisabouthowplantsbreathe.Whileplantstakeincarbondioxideandreleaseoxygenintheday,atnightthisistheopposite.(有一种观点认为卧室里不宜种植植物。人们担心的是植物如何呼吸。白天,植物吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,而到了晚上,情况却恰恰相反。)...