Revolut recently received its UK bank license and while it's currently undergoing a mobilisation phase and doesn't offer FSCS protection, it will likely do so in the near future. It also already has many of the features you would expect from a full-fledged bank. It's particularly pop...
The cooking surfaces really do heat up quickly–I almost botched one of the first pots of rice I cooked when I didn’t realize the water was already boiling. If you cook pasta with any regularity, an induction cooktop is your new friend. Induction surfaces are also responsive in a way no...
I drag all these pots and pans, and I have to have a stove and an oven. And then I bring all kinds of portable things, like a griddle and a GrillMaster. I bring a Crock-Pot so I can stick food in there in the morning and it'll cook all day." While many artists rely on cate...
Cannabis plants grow very fast in a short amount of time, and need a lot of energy from the light to grow and produce buds. In the wild, a cannabis plant can grow to the size of tree in less than a year, and it uses energy from light to power that growth. Many new growers who...
I drag all these pots and pans, and I have to have a stove and an oven. And then I bring all kinds of portable things, like a griddle and a GrillMaster. I bring a Crock-Pot so I can stick food in there in the morning and it'll cook all day." While many artists rely on cate...
This basic drip coffee maker might not have lots of bells and whistles, but it can definitely whip up a quick cup of coffee. D3sign / Getty Images Most people who are dependent on caffeine have breakfast with an old friend -- the coffee maker. Every morning you scoop in ...
A good rule is one pound of mussels per person when serving them as a big appetizer or lighter main dish. Mussels have a delicate flavor, so Sewall recommends practicing restraint when seasoning. He often sweats aromatics, like onions or leeks and garlic and herbs in butter, then adds the ...
Again, our land doesn’t have some kind of capitalist privilege. No one has built a shield over America. If climate were so bad in so many regions, we’d also already be starving, or at least having serious trouble growing anything. Even cows on scrub oak. So, you know? All of this...
Make sure you keep track of how many drops you add of each as you add them. I also recommend using ceramic or glass container for mixing the oils as plastic can absorb the scent. Once you’ve stirred in your fragrance, pour the wax into your containers (almost to the top of the cont...
Hard water can destroy plumbing and damage your clothes. But a good water softener system can be your fix.