Dr. Hudson: Well, remember, when Constantine converted to Christianity, he moved the center of the Empire to Constantinople. That became the new Rome, and the result was that Christianity became Orthodox Eastern Christianity, and Constantinople was the center. But there were also four other patria...
Nero didn’t live to see the palace completed, and it’s to his successor Domitian that we owe the lion’s share of the complex. After the fall of the Roman empire the vast dwelling was used by the popes before falling into disrepair until the Farnese family transformed the site into o...
The early establishment of the Vatican began with Constantine’s St. Peter’s Basilica, which stood where the current Basilica stands today. Jesus gave Simon the name Peter when he first met him and said, “You’re the stone upon which I will build my church.” After Constantine le...
In the early history of the church, popes were often appointed by emperors, such as Constantine and Henry III. 在教会的早期历史中,教皇经常由皇帝任命,比如君士坦丁和亨利三世。 Some early popes — likely including St. Peter, who is usually considered the first pope — appointed their own successo...
Trees typically need to reach 6 to 7 feet tall before being sold. Some trees only take four years to reach that height; others can take fifteen years. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, the average growing time is seven years. Rumor has it that Christmas trees were once ...
The Popes of old, prior to Vatican II, understood that it is not Judaism or Jewry alone but Jewry and Masonic secret societies, i.e., Judeo-Freemasonry. http://heimbich.tripod.com/NOAHCHID.HTM http://heimbich.tripod.com/JOANDARC.HTM http://heimbich.tripod.com/BLOODALT.HTM Many people...
The bell tower above the Palace of the Popes. One of the elaborate entrances to the Palace. Exterior of the Palace of the Popes. From the Palace, we wandered through the streets of Avignon, passing many shops and small theatres on our way to the Rocher des Doms Garden overlook. We stray...
Trees typically need to reach 6 to 7 feet tall before being sold. Some trees only take four years to reach that height; others can take fifteen years. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, the average growing time is seven years. Rumor has it that Christmas trees were once ...
(An issue largely ignored by Westerners, along with many other regions that in an ideal world might be given the chance of independence.) You also get the Mao Era presented as a time of stagnation before Deng’s opening up. This is not at all what was said at the time. Outside of ...