The best way to make sure that you don't have any unpleasant surprises after the clarinet has been purchased is to have a system of testing that will give you as much objective information as possible about every aspect of the clarinet. Let's look at each of these aspects separately. TUNI...
whilst the smallest dot, beautiful clarinet, showing-off its highest and cleanest notes, easily beating alone the cleanness of Gregorian chant, being followed by viola, conflating into extraordinary minor thirds. Pipe organ’s zephyr, the golden middle, the central note of ...
Tricia was also the type of girl who made the most of high school. She took calculus, was on the debate team, and played clarinet in the band. At the time of her murder, she was just a few days away from moving onto the next chapter in her young and e...
Turn off your phone, have a glass of water nearby, and carve out time in your schedule to have some dedicated practicing. It doesn’t matter if it’s fifteen minutes or three hours, it’s the quality of the practice that matters. Find the right tongue position FIVE Many professional mu...
•TheWindEnsemblemovementhasgivenbandsmanypieceswrittenspecifically forallthepossibletonecolorsavailable.Contemporarybandliteraturemirrors trendsinorchestracomposition. Brinkman:HowtoOrchestraandArrangeMusic6 Chapter4Transcriptions Stepstoaneffectiveorchestration—suchasassigninginstrumentsina transcriptionofapianopiece •Ad...
into a rehearsal room with them and started working on a few bits and pieces. I think “Machine Messiah” was the grounding thing we started. We also had a song called “I Am a Camera,” which was a Buggles song. They redeveloped that and it turned into “Into the Lens.” So we ...
Does Music Have a Future in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan? The unexpectedly rapid collapse of Afghanistan’s military forces and subsequent fall of that country’s government to the Taliban do not bode well for Afghanistan’s future. Many aspects of life that we in the “west” take for grante...
into a rehearsal room with them and started working on a few bits and pieces. I think “Machine Messiah” was the grounding thing we started. We also had a song called “I Am a Camera,” which was a Buggles song. They redeveloped that and it turned into “Into the Lens.” So we ...
Which is a shame, because both might have enhanced my learning more than watching only the finished and polished performances of the pieces I was working on.Because as it’s often said in sports, you play like you practice. And I’m pretty sure I could have played heaps better, if I ...
A Part defines a group of staves, connected by a single barline. Voices can move from one of these staves to another. If, for example, the Part was a group of woodwind instruments, should a bassoon voice on a bassoon staff really be allowed to move to a clarinet staff?