How many people were crucified along Appian Way during the Spartacus Revolt? How many children did Hernan Cortes have? How many people died in the Latin War? How many bodies were found in Pompeii? How many people did Pancho Villa kill?
Widespread in the Roman Empire, crucifixion on the cross was considered one of the most cruel, painful and shameful executions of the ancient world. Some 6,000 or so slaves captured by the Romans after the defeat of the Spartacus rebellion in 71 B.C. were crucified on the road from Capua...
6He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, 7saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. 8And they remembered his words, 9and returned from the sepulchre, ...
Proponents of including the Bible in public classrooms argue that doing so doesn’t violate the Constitution because Christianity is central to understanding the history and founding of the United States. Public school educators, however, were quick to blast the move. ...
... when cases were referred to me I usually sought the help of a laywoman in the archdiocese who possessed a gift for discerning spirits. In her view, and also mine, none of the people I brought to her were victims of possession; none of them, in other words, were in need of for...
The same is true throughout church history. Some of the sermons of John Chrysostom and Augustine (both born in the mid-4thcentury) were likely preached in about 30 minutes, though some might have gone on for close to two hours. But as the period of the Early Church Fathers came to a ...
John Livingstone spent a night, with some others likeminded, in prayer to God and religious conversation, and when he preached next day in the Kirk of Shotts five hundred people were converted, or dated some definite uplift in their life to that occasion. Prayer and power are inseparable. ...
Lucian of Samo Sada. He was a second century playwright who thought Christians were gullible ignorant fools. In his work, the passing of para Grina, he says that Christians quote have sinned by denying the Greek gods and by worshiping that crucified s himself and living according to his ...
Let’s also analyze it more logically in terms of the idea itself. You can say, “Well, if morality consists of treating each other with decency, enhancing health, life, happiness and knowledge, do you really have to believe that someone was crucified 2,000 years ago, ...
A large number of his men fled from the battle-field to the mountains and Crassus followed them thither. They divided themselves in four parts, and continued to fight until theyall perished except 6000, who were captured and crucifiedalong the whole road from Capua to Rome. ...