Being disciples of Jesus means we must learn to sacrifice our selfish desires or needs to put the needs of others first. It means joining Jesus’ mission and actively working toward the healing of those who are ill in body or mind. It means doing our part to tear down roadblocks for disa...
One of the older men, Omar Reygadas, was also one of the first to come to terms with his destiny and the pain in his heart. When Jesus wrote in the earth at the occasion of the Pharisees delivering up the woman caught in adultery, they began to walk away, from the oldest to the ...
Jesus Christtold them: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” If the Prince of Peace himself stated that his teachings
' I watched as theBeing was actually coming out of the lightat this point. He was at leasteight feet tall. He wasn't wearing any clothing to speak of. He had a long, narrow head and face. This Being had very long, muscular arms, a solid muscular torso, large hands, 3 long finger...
you MUST repent, then believe on Jesus as our Lord and Savior. There is no other way to get into Heaven. You cannot earn it. It is a free gift from God. You can believe it, or you can reject it. HE will not force HIMSELF on anyone, but please know the consequences of your acti...
But not many read the newspaper anymore, and television news has proved itself to be false. Just look at all the newscasters fired. Now people turn to Internet news. Efforts are being made to shut down alternative news. How to stop the lies: you stop it with the truth. Jesus asked ...
Their taking their kids to "Jesus Camps" Watch all nine parts if you can handle it. All 9 parts are listed on the right side of the page. IE: 1/9 2/9 ect. I'm not here to say "left wing groups" are in any way "Nice and only...
' I watched as theBeing was actually coming out of the lightat this point. He was at leasteight feet tall. He wasn't wearing any clothing to speak of. He had a long, narrow head and face. This Being had very long, muscular arms, a solid muscular torso, large hands, 3 long ...