This year, both the Iowa Republican and Democratic parties have partnered with Microsoft to develop a new reporting app — you can find that data directly here for the Republican side and here for the Democratic side. In the past, results were reported from the precincts by dialing in to ...
How Women in Iowa VotedIowa women made up a little more than half of the caucus-goersMonday night,...Schow, Ashe
In what will almost certainly go down as one of the closest and most divisive presidential elections in American history, many of us voted for either President Trump or Joe Biden. But Kanye West (yes that Kanye West) was officially on the ballot in 12 states. So, how many votes did West...
We’re not breaking any news here, I know, but Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are outperforming their position in the Iowa polling average while Donald Trump is underperforming his. Most of the second-tier candidates are also falling slightly below their polling average, but Ben Carson is an except...
been voted into the seed list, it may be moved by a simple majority of eligible votes. This “scrubbing” of the seed list allows the committee to affirm true seed accuracy throughout selection weekend and ultimately, in the bracket. Scrubbing is exclusively for teams that are in the field...
The field is far from set, voters are just beginning to tune in and there's still a year before the first nominating caucus in Iowa. SEE: Week in Cartoons for Feb. 25-March 1 But the first inning of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary game belongs to Kamala Harris. The first-t...
The measure, which had strong bipartisan support, was passed by a 352-65 Congressional vote. before moving on to the U.S. Senate. Here is a breakdown of how eachCongress member voted. All votes
Iowa's health department said it is monitoring all people exposed to the virus for symptoms but did not provide a figure for any human tests. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said at least 53 people have been tested for bird flu. The figures are different bec...
Sen. Todd Young didn’t back Donald Trump in 2024. But that didn’t stop Young from calling the president this past weekend as he was wavering over Trump’s pick for the country’s top intelligence official, Tulsi Gabbard.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a member of the Finance and Agriculture Committees, told reporters earlier this week that he’s pushing for a meeting with Kennedy before any confirmation hearing, citing some apprehension about Kennedy’s views on food production. “I'm willing to have a discuss...