The youngest voters, oldest voters, lowest-earning voters and Latinos all voted significantly closer to the US average than they have done in other recent elections. So, while they might not necessarily be "for" the president-elect as a whole, they were willing to vote for him. While blac...
Image:If US swing states vote along the lines of religious trends, they will still be divided almost evenly between the Democrats and Republicans If we go with the rough trend that less religious states are more likely to vote for the Democrats and more religious sta...
There were other government positions that were in theory open to all Athenian men, although wealth and location played a large role in whether a man could take on a full-time government job or even make it to the Assembly to vote in the first place. Still, there were some positions that...
Interactives: How many people are registered to vote in your county? Across the 15-county KXAN viewing area, there are 1,746,861 registered voters. More than half of those are in Travis County, while Williamson County accounts for about a quarter of all registered voters locally. About 10%...
Perspective: How to Win Elections without the Right to Vote
The consequences of economic inequality for presidential elections in the United States This permits us to measure the change of economic inequality year-to-year for each state going back to 1969, something that was previously difficult to ... J Galbraith,J Choi - 《Structural Change & Economic...
Changes in the White House create uncertainty in the markets, and uncertainty is generally bearish. Some view the S&P 500 as a broad reflection of U.S. economic sentiment: When voters are moved to vote out the incumbent administration, it's often because they are dissatisfied with the state ...
and more than one million have already registered to vote by proxy. Nevertheless, an Ifop poll predicted a 64% turnout, up 15 points from 2022. As for the youth, 60 percent of those younger than 35 did not vote in the European elections, but those who do no longer lean to the left...
2016 vote Difference in Candidate RatingsShare of ElectorateClintonTrump Clinton more than 15 points above Trump49%97%3% Trump more than 15 points above Clinton42298 Candidates no more than 15 points apart94060 Geoffrey Skelley is a senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight.@geoffreyvs ...
Image: Marine Le Pen after first round results of the 2024 snap vote. Pic: Reuters Marine Le Pen's National Rally party was set to emerge victorious at the French parliamentary elections. But it ended up stumbling home in third in the second round of voting. • Mexico Image: Claudi...