Re: "learnt many things about how not to run a company" The problem is that far too often, the idiots still try to do something and DO keep getting in the way. Idiots in positions like that far to often end up in the actually competent people burning out or leaving because they hav...
How Ww2 Affected America World War II changed and affected many Americans lives and lifestyles. During the war, resources were very limited such as food, electricity, rubber, metal and gasoline. People had to learn how to adjust to the new changes. The availability of resources changed the liv...
Many of "the"Frenchies"were even used in Special Op Missions, parachuting behind enemy linesto organize civilian resistanceinGerman-occupied France, Belgium, and North Africa. After being made to kneel on rice as punishment for speaking French as children, after being made to write hundreds upon...
How many planes flew in the Berlin Airlift?West Berlin:West Berlin existed from 1948 until 1990 and was the western-controlled section of the German city of Berlin. The other part of the city of Berlin, referred to as East Berlin, was controlled by the Communist Soviet Union and East ...
By the time of 1945, the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the “Final Solution”, for their plan was to wipe out the Jewish people. Jews were sent to death camps of which they were put into gas chambers and killed. Many ...
Most of the research on safe withdrawal rates assumes 50:50 equity:bond portfolios, so possibly a higher equity allocation than many people are expecting. But the more capital you’ve stashed away, the less need you have for a high equity allocation. @ Lesley – yes, you’re right, the...
The British had a task force of 1000 peoplein NYC that would stop at nothing,including murder, to inveigle the US into World War Two. The TV movieRestlesson Prime recreates this fascinating period. The banksters that inveigled the US into WW2 are ...
Depletion, as in “having $0.01 at the end of retirement, counts as a success.” I frequently hear people talking about how innovative the Die With Zero approach is and how it allows you to withdraw more money and retire early. For example:...
He is as true a ‘warrior’ of Christ as I have known in my life – a seeker of TRUTH who CANNOT Be intimidated by the evil people trying to destroy our country. Unfortunately – I cannot say that in truth about many Americans today. He is waging a noble battle against the most mo...
How many Chinese died in WW2? How many people survived the Rwandan genocide? How many people were killed in the German spring offensives? How many Cambodians were killed by the Khmer Rouge? How many people died in Hiroshima? How many Muslims did Christians kill during the Crusades? How many...