Manypeopledrinkproteinshakes(高蛋白饮品)regularlytoloseweight,buildmuscleorboth.Others,however,questionthebeliefthatproteinshakesarebetterthannormal,high-proteinfoods.Sowhatisthetruth?Whatisinaproteinshake?Proteinshakesaredietarysupplements(膳食补充品)designedtohelppeopleconsumemoreproteinthantheyotherwisewould. (1)Or...
Many people find themselves living off offast foodand packaged food. While they do get a level of dietary nutrients, it’s not what they need to stay healthy. Dietary supplements are designed to fill the gap that many people have in their diet. ...
Dietary supplements include vitamins, fish oil, herbs, minerals like calcium, and more. And if you take one, you’re not alone. About half of U.S. adults do. But should you? That’s a question for your doctor or dietitian, says Linda Van Horn, a professor of preventive medicine at N...
Nutritional supplements, likeprotein powderor vitamins and minerals Specialty ingredients Before blindly jumping into costly investments for a new dietary plan, think about the manycost-effective ways to prioritize nutritious foods, such as buyingfrozen vegetablesor in-season food products. 5. Look for ...
Many people take vitamins and supplements to try to fill in the gaps in their diets. (Photo credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images) Vitamin Forms Vitamins and supplements come in many forms, including pills,liquids, or powders. The form you choose depends on how they work in your ...
Superfoods can help take a balanced diet to the next level because they optimize your body’s ability to function by supplying a megadose of nutrients. For example, many arehigh in fiber, have high water content, which means they are low in calories, and are full of antioxidants, vitamins...
Office of Dietary Supplements.Vitamin K.NIH website. Published Jun 3, 2020. Accessed January 25, 2021. Miller MG, Hamilton DA, Joseph JA, Shukitt-Hale B.Dietary blueberry improves cognition among older adults in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.Eur J Nutr. 2018;57(3):...
How Many Calories Do You Need? Another variable is body composition goals. Someone who wants to gain weight needs to take in more calories. Those who want to promote weight loss need to create a calorie deficit by eating less and exercising more. To Maintain Weight You'll want to bala...
The chief sources of vitamin D include synthesis in the skin upon exposure to sunshine and in many countries, foods fortified with vitamin D such as cereals, orange juice, and milk. "Our recommendations are not saying 'don't take vitamin D supplements,'" says Pittas. "There is very little...
Health and wellness companies often utilize white label products to offer a broad range of dietary supplements, vitamins, and herbal remedies under their own brand names. By partnering with reputable manufacturers, these companies can ensure the quality and efficacy of their products. ...