How Much Will You Need To Be Financially Independent? While some of us will struggle for years with the frugality/deprivation line, others will want to revisit that issue after finding the answer to the next question: how much will you need?For this analysis, we’re going to assume that t...
I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than $100,000 a year. A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade told me how many doctors and dentists struggle financially. It was this business...
“Women tend to be financially much more conservative which means that often they are not prepared to take the type of risks that might even be good for them, meaning they are hesitant to invest in the stock market,” says Schoar. “Any young woman should ...
Learning to manage your money wisely is perhaps the most important financial skill regardless of how much you earn. In fact, many people with a six-figure income struggle financially because they lack the skills to save and spend wisely. In most cases, financial success involves learning and im...
Many people struggle with the prospect of transitioning from work to retirement. [2] This is hardly surprising. After all, it's a drastic change in lifestyle, not just financially, but psychologically and emotionally, too. For instance, it will likely mean that your retiree sees less of the...
If you’re pulling in that sort of income, most people would probably say that you are rich. Related: How to Start Investing and Saving for Retirement With Little Money How are your investments? “Rather than focusing on being rich, I encourage clients to think about being ...
A drawdown percentage is the portion of a retirement account that a retiree withdraws each year. If the drawdown percentage is too high, the retiree will outlive their savings and struggle financially at the end of their life. If the drawdown percentage is too low, the retiree will die with...
There’s no question that people who exude self-confidence have many advantages in life. Unfortunately, many people struggle with a lack of confidence from time to time. It can be difficult for some people to find the right amount of confidence, as too much can lead to hubris and too litt...
This creates ‘struggle’ and disconnection in many areas of our lives. And while a handful of people might get lucky and find their own unique reason for being, abundance, gifts and joy… The sad truth is that99% of people don’t.Ralph Waldo Emerson understood this when he said: ...
revealing it to the first mortgage lender is risky. Not only could you face legal consequences, but you could put yourself in a difficult financial situation where you struggle to pay your mortgage. Fortunately, down payment programs exist to assist home buyers who struggle to make a down ...