“He’d heard us worshipping and had seen a light in the prayer room, and he realised Jesus was the light.” How does a 24-7 Prayer Room play a role in mission work? We’ve been so inspired by some of the stories of prayer and mission from our friends at Altitude Mission – we...
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Jesus came as a man, born of a virgin. He lived the sinless life we never could, died to pay the debt we owe, and took the judgment we deserve. And those of us who put our faith and trust in Him and His work on the cross get to exchange our sin for His righteousness, a righ...
and ill be happy for and im happy and im paralyzed and ive seen so many and jealousy and jekuthiel father and jephthah came to and jeroboam the son and jesus questioned and joab answered the and joseph dwelt in e and joshua sent men f and judah and his bre and just a dream and just...
Bible and the Jewish Talmud were written in it; the original “writing on the wall,” presaging the fall of the Babylonians, was composed in it. As Jesus died on the cross, he cried in Aramaic, “Elahi, Elahi, lema shabaqtani?” (“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)...
And then I stuck my foot in my mouth again. I started bragging. I said, “I would follow you anywhere. I would even die for you, if you asked me to.” It’s funny, isn’t it? I told Jesus I would die for him… I never imagined that it would be he who died for me… But...
So God sent His Son, Jesus, to live and die as a human (Hebrews 2:14-18) so that we could see He was serious about wanting a relationship with us and that we could have a way to restore that relationship. You see, sin broke things so severely that it created a massive rift ...
When the women of Jerusalem saw Jesus suffering, they were overcome with grief. They loved Jesus–they had seen him healing the sick, performing miracles, and speaking with enormous crowds who followed him everywhere. But now, everything was different and they weren’t ready for it. Has thi...
We have been trying to just spend $50 per week for our family, which is down to 3 people now,but I also did it when we had 4 at home. I find that I am more conscious about what I buy when I set a limit. I focus on the basics. If I don’t need as many groceries that we...
“Someone introduced a state race while I was on vacation… Jesus, not again…” And working this out wasn’t easy either. To just pass a click action to the composable you had to make a remembered lambda, wasting 10 lines of clunky code and then trying to debug what happened when you...