The measure, which had strong bipartisan support, was passed by a 352-65 Congressional vote. before moving on to the U.S. Senate. Here is a breakdown of how eachCongress member voted. All votes
The Masters in Augusta Georgia features a drive, chip and putt contest. This year, a girl from Eastern Iowa will be a part of it.
... El Paso, Texas I got them to dismiss their case today by applying what I learned in Jurisdictionary. They dismissed knowing they didn't have a leg to stand on because my answer, affirmative defenses and counter claims backed them into a corner. Thank you! ... Perry B. ... Bates...
You know, I have a portion of my “Pass the Mic” live arena shows where I play R&B ballads for five minutes. And at the very first show on May 23, a few people in my inner circle said, “You’re gonna do ballads, 20 minutes before the show’s over?” ...
Perry Svensson // Shutterstock Dogs do sweat, but it's not really how they cool down Dogs do have sweat glands, including in their paw pads, which help them release a little of their body heat. But because the rest of their body is covered with fur, sweat wouldn't evaporate to cool ...
Sessions for Aerosmith's 12th album began in Miami with Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, producer Glen Ballard (hot off the success of Alanis Morissette's 1995 blockbuster Jagged Little Pill), and co-writers Mark Hudson, Desmond Child and Richie Supa. Unfortunately, the process was fraught from the ...
It’s interesting in the context of the Democratic Party’s changing demographics, though. The largest part of his religious coalition may end up being people with no religious affiliation at all. Given their strong support for Biden this year, though, I doubt many will mind! Perry Bacon Jr...
McFEDRIES: I saw people in bars playing records for four hours and making $100. I was like, “Okay, I’ve got a few records and I got this iPod here, maybe I could find a way to make this work.” HOFFMAN:Back then, the authenticity of a DJ was based on how many crates of do...
The show itself was a delirious blur, with 29-year-old frontman Drew Thomson hamming it up for his girlfriend cheering him on from the edge of the stage, and I felt privileged to see it at a modest-sized local venue in Des Moines, Iowa. But it was a Monday night in the dead of ...
“Everyone wants their energy bills to go down. Everyone wants the electric grid to keep the lights on. Everyone wants to make sure the next generation has a livable planet. And our job is showing people who care about those things exactly how Vice President Harris and ...