Central Puget’s city plan outlined the planned reduction in air pollution leading to a reduced risk in developing related health conditions and improved health of vulnerable populations, such as children, elderly, or chronically ill people. A further 15 place plans (Newham, Milan, Edinburgh, ...
The Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS) provided a measure of wellbeing [46]. The Social Identity Map- Ascertaining identity resources (SIM - AIRing) was used to describe the participant’s social network [47]. Participant demographic information also captured age, gender,...
As an example for rental car cost, I checked for a 2 day rental in April 2024 on Discover Cars and found rates as low as £60 for a budget mini-sized car for pick-up in London and drop-off in Edinburgh. Add in fuel costs of £65 for a 2-day rental total as low as £12...
The most frequently used measures of QoL were the Pediatric Quality of Life (PedsQL; Varni et al., 1998) and the WHOQOL-BREF (The WHOQOL Group, 1998), each used in 22.4% (k = 39) of the studies that reported on QoL. The Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS; Tennant et...
I’m Colin Gray, and I started out in podcasting around 2008. I remember the day I walked into my boss’ office at a Uni in Edinburgh, Scotland, and she said: “What’s this Podcasting thing? Could we use that to teach our students?” ...
One thing I would change about the industry is... getting the driving test wait times reduced. It has impacted us a lot, in both bad ways and good ways as we are busier than ever. I've seen how delays have hindered people's progress, and we've seen recently that many have sadly ...
The Royal Edinburgh Ticket is a great way to save money when visiting the top royal attractions in Edinburgh Scotland! The ticket covers all three of our favorite royal sites in Edinburgh: the mighty and historic Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Palace (offici
In 2019, she donated a further £15.3 million to the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic at the University of Edinburgh. The clinic, which was named in memory of Rowling’s mother who died at aged 45 due to multiple sclerosis, was founded by the author in 2010. It conducts research...
Chimpanzees live in large groups in large territories in the wild, although this is less common in captivity. At Chimp Haven, the world’s largest chimpanzee sanctuary, the chimpanzees are integrated into larger groups and provided access to large, forested areas that encourage species-typical behav...
These are known as your 2 outbound/inbound days. When using a mobile-type pass, when you add a train in your home country to your pass, it will warn you that you are about to use one of your 2 outbound/inbound days. It shows you how many you have left. If you live in Britain...