And the fiscal and economic take-over of the White House is so complete, that the Goldmanite Jews literally call themselves “Government Sachs” while they have the grandest time with their on-going Frat Party of violent radicals, media stars, and Marxist racists (as they sneeringly roll thei...
“Much of the time we can tell a Jew by his nose. The Jewish nose is bent downward in a special way. The end curves down but the nostrils curve up, so the nose when seen from the side looks like the number six. This we call the ‘Jewish six.’ Many non-Jews also have bent no...
Glamorous and physically very fit, she must have covered twice the distance moving between the vanguard and the rearguard as we strung out along the Royal Canal over six days! The symbolic departure of the costumed group, which included Caroilin and the great contemporary historian of the Famine...
the Jews will be able to finally enjoy their freely chosen god Lucifer in his horrific kingdom, for all eternity, in the most atrocious despair and unimaginable torments; the Goyim who let themselves be corrupted by Jewish money, if they do not convert in time, they will have the same hor...
Like Prussians, Hitler got lost in space too, and he believed in the Satanic lies of Darwinism as well. Thanks to the Northern heathen parts, the intellectual trends of Germany have been poisoned by nihilism and barbarism. The Germans are not Greeks are they? Of course not. Aristotle would...
Namely, ‘behave according to the Galactic Human Alliance’s laws’. Too many people asleep on this prison planet. I don’t blame the Roths or Rockers, they are just doing what they do. Please people, wake up to what you really are, otherwise this planet will die and become ...