How do you get over a loss like that? I want to send you a T-shirt to sign(签名), but my mom says it would be too expensive to mail to you. I wish you good luck this year, I know you’re the best professional soccer player in the world. I want to be as good as you ...
The best of National Geographic delivered to your inbox Sign up for more inspiring photos, stories, and special offers from National Geographic.Sign Up Legal Terms of Use Privacy Policy Interest-Based Ads Our Sites Nat Geo Home Attend a Live Event Book a Trip Buy Maps Inspire Your Kids Shop...
A year after I noticed that I had red spots on my buttock and it was itchy where I had itched in Egypt they then began to get more itchy and red and start seeping welts formed and I started seeing like tunnels under the skin, this all progressed up my body stomach, arm’s shoulders...
In truth, I enjoy Thanksgiving as much as most, more than many and less than a few; being my first year away from family and friends during this festive period, I wondered how I would feel spending so much time with people I’ve only known for many months/a few months/a few weeks/...
It’s primarily the nitrogen in dogs’ urine that turns grass brown and some of this is likely hanging around in areas of dead grass. Give these patches a good soaking to flush nitrogen out of the area that might hamper new growth. ...
The fact that inflation has almost returned to normal levels around 2-3% a year does not resonate with many people. In fact, many disbelieve those figures because they erroneously believe that declining inflation must mean declining prices. ...
The KEF gives scholarship to Kenyan high schools; you can sponsor a child for just $750 a year. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Loitoktok, Kenya from 1999-2001. He was in Namibia when the towers came down. When he returned to Kenya 3 years later, so many people had died from AI...
A year or two after Phill had me thrown out of our home, a friend was talking to me and brought up that she didn’t trust Emma and worried that Emma might try to hurt me. She mentioned how she knew I liked to walk my dog at all hours, sometimes in the middle of the night when...
We go full nerd alert to discover that Agile is less than agile at 1am, get distracted by abstracting abstractions, and find that in the end everything new is old again. Or maybe new dogs have the same old tricks. Nevertheless, our radical old ideas may mean the end of the tech book...
Today is Valentine’s Day. Tonight when I get home, my dear husband will greet me with a cocktail and a kiss. The dogs will mug me, push against me and beat me with wagging tails. We’ll have a simple dinner of homemade chili and corn bread and talk about our day. It will be ...