Many people who experience childhood trauma can develop mental illnesses and experience symptoms that affect their adult lives. If you’re having trouble controlling your emotions and managing the effects of various symptoms, consider working with a licensed therapist online through avirtual therapy platf...
Nadine Burke Harris’ healthcare practice focuses on a little-understood, yet very common factor in childhood that can profoundly impact adult-onset disease: trauma. Nadine Burke Harris's resource list Learn more "I hope to wake people up" Hear more about Nadine Burke Harris' work and jo...
Nadine Burke Harris’ healthcare practice focuses on a little-understood, yet very common factor in childhood that can profoundly impact adult-onset disease: trauma. Nadine Burke Harris's resource list Learn more "I hope to wake people up" Hear more about Nadine Burke H...
“acting out,” quote, unquote. They are considered as having a discipline issue. But many times, they are acting out because there is a concern, and they don’t know how to verbally express it. When young children experience trauma, we have to intervene and understand how they’re ...
Childhood trauma can impact the way we relate to others. It might lead us to avoid getting close to people or even to seek out relationships that mirror our past experiences. Recognizing these patterns is like taking a step towards reclaiming our narrative. Mind and Body Connection Surprise: ...
Subconscious Wounds. The body holds onto wounds from early childhood and shows up in different ways. Traumatic events people ignore can also flare up if triggers arise. In fact, the body retains memories of trauma.Bessel van der Kolkwrites about this in his book,The Body Keeps Score. He ...
These stress dreams are common after losing a loved one or going through an emotion-heavy experience. Situations like those force you to see where you’ve been compromising on your values and deeply-held beliefs. As an exercise, take the time to define and write down your values. Then, rea...
Signs of Childhood Trauma in Adults Symptoms of childhood trauma in adults can manifest in many ways. They can widely vary from person to person and are often influenced by factors like the severity and duration of the traumatic experience. Thetype of traumacan also play a huge role in the ...
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and childhood trauma are profound issues that can have long-lasting impacts on an individual’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. However, the power of a caring, compassionate connection and trauma-informed therapy can significant...
"To make a difference in the life of a child ... I made the commitment to tell my personal story," says educator Lisa Godwin. In this moving talk, she shares her experience of overcoming childhood trauma with the quiet, unwavering support of a teacher and school counselor -- and shows ...