As evidence emerges describing the accumulation of small plastic particles in various organs and tissues of the body, a much deeper understanding of the effects of these particles on human health is urgently needed.
Typical and atypical antipsychotics are similar. They treat some of the same conditions, but first- and second-generation antipsychotics have different risks.
CancerGenomic analysis reveals a host of genetic variants that affect how quickly fertility ends, among them one that reduces reproductive span by six years.#Genomic analysis reveals a host of genetic variants that affect how quickly fertility ends, among them one that reduces reproductive span by ...
We aimed to investigate the impact of socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival in England on the Number of Life-Years Lost (NLYL) due to cancer. We analysed 1.2 million patients diagnosed with one of the 23 most common cancers (92.3% of all inciden
The American Cancer Society has a database of support groups and forums for both people with cancer and their caregivers. Caregiving can affect your work life, resulting in absences and missed hours. Sometimes it becomes a full-time job. If you’re employed full-time, you may be entitled ...
Ott:A shortage of skilled workers can lead to backlogs of diagnoses, and surgeries, and so on. How do these combined challenges affect the clinicians and nurses at the sharp end? Add the lack of funding in health care across the world and where does that leave the sector, Sa...
Genderfluid:The person does not consistently adhere to one fixed gender and may have many genders. Genderfuzz:More than one gender is blurred together. Genderflux:The gender fluctuates in intensity. Genderpuck:The person resists to fit in societal norms concerning genders. ...
How do breast cancer stages affect life insurance eligibility? Can someone with breast cancer get life insurance? As we’ve previously discussed, yes, there will be a handful of options available to you. However, the stage of breast cancer you were diagnosed with, and when the diagnosis occurr...
In the current study, the researchers tested the effect of dietary folate on colon cancer development in theiranimal model. The team found that animals on the folate-supplemented diet had significantly shortened overall survival and more tumors as well as larger tumors compared to the animals on ...
All Special IssuesHelicobacter pylori Associated CancerTP53 in Solid Tumors and Hematological MalignanciesHow Does Obesity Cause Cancer?10th Anniversary of Cancers—Targeted Therapies for Ovarian Cancer Treatment from Bench to Bedside3rd Etnean Occupational Medicine Workshop—Breast Cancer and Work3D Cell Cul...