While representing Silicon Valley’s 17th congressional district, Democratic congressman Ro Khanna has pulled off a unique political balancing act. He’s successfully positioned himself as a progressive capitalist, supported by billionaires in Big Tech while serving as a co-chair of Bernie Sanders’ la...
Such earmarks, also known as "pork-barrel spending" or "pork" for short, are controversial. They are seen as a form of corruption, allowing D.C. power brokers to trade in the fortunes of the people they represent and squander taxpayers' money on giveaways to particular districts. The "B...
Congressman Brad Sherman Congressman Brad Sherman’s website greets visitors with a friendly photo of the congressman, along with an explanation of who he represents. The two most important calls to action — to endorse the congressman and donate to his campaign — are also front and center, ...
backed by its then chair and Congressman Tom Lantos, a supporter of subverting foreign governments, received some "Uyghurs in exile" who made similar testimonies about forced abortion and so on. The organizers of this campaign tried to stop Bill Clinton...
David Landes, author of The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, credits the world’s economics and social progress over the last thousand years to "Western civilizatio...
a local poverty alleviation program in Xinjiang. The two elderly people in the photo were seeing the doctor for free, as part of the free health check-ups and medical consultation offered to local residents under the program. The mix-up shows that Zenz either does not understand the Chinese ...
“Well, there are none. Compliance is voluntary,” replies the congressman. “So, there’s no way to enforce the law?” “No, we actually don’t have any legal jurisdiction,” is the answer. “How about policing? How will you know that people are obeying the law?” asks another repor...
The government’s UFO report has landed: It concludes that strange aircraft have been haunting U.S. warships for years, marking a new era for “unidentified aerial phenomena.”
understand that social media’s bread and butter is content that generates outrage. The more outlandish, the greater the interactions, so algorithms push the content, further amplifying outrage. This is why nearly every post by Jim Jordan, a Republication Congressman from Ohio, follows a basic ...
So What Do Tri-Cities Zip Codes Represent? This is what the numbers in the five-digit code represent: The first number determines the region...so 9 is the far west region of the US The next two numbers define the central post office facility in the far west region. So all mail for ...