measlesand 12 other once-common diseases, have saved an estimated 154 million lives worldwide over the past 50 years. Measles vaccines alone have averted the deaths of about 94 million people, the analysis found.
Since the start of the pandemic during the 1980s, 75.7 million people have been infected with HIV and 32.7 million have died. Currently, around 38 million people are living with HIV worldwide. In 2019, 690,000 died as a result of HIV. Even so, this represents a 60% decline in deaths...
" was released during the pandemic, in partnership with the U.N.'s World Health Organization. It puts players in the shoes of a propagandist that's spreading lies about COVID-19 and vaccines. Users can earn a higher score in the simulation by making false claims, citing made-up studies ...
people from bad to worse, causing many to join the ranks of the vulnerable worldwide.In this grim situation, CGTN has launched the series "In the era of pandemic, every life counts," featuring the elderly – one of the populations the 2020 World Population Day sheds a light on in the ...
Deadly outbreaks have plagued societies for centuries. But they can lead to medical breakthroughs—if we learn the right lessons from them.
either retired or switched careers completely. Years later, nurses who stayed in the profession say that they are seeing the effects of the pandemic in their patients as well: since so many people put off care during the height of Covid, they are now presenting with more severe forms of il...
During the month-long festival, people can enjoy the largest and most beautiful ice and snow sculptures (雕塑) in the world. Monkey Buffet Festival The Monkey Buffet Festival is on the last Sunday of November. It is a great day for monkeys in Thailand. People there think monkeys can bring...
The rare widespread protests began after ten people died last week in a fire in the city of Urumqi. Many believe residents could not escape the blaze because of Covid restrictions, but authorities have disputed this. As is generally the case with protests in China - even small-scale ones -...
"This is the United States' largest decline in annual life expectancy since World War II," Heuveline said, adding that Americans who have died of COVID-19 lost an average of 12 years from their expected lifespans. The UCLA study also found that in many parts of the world, the pandemic...
And they used their clout with the World Health Organization to help create an ambitious worldwide distribution plan for the dissemination of those Covid tools to needy nations, though it would ultimately fail to live up to its original promises. The four organizations had worked together in th...