Yes, Br. Nat, it’s indeed quite difficult to preach the Gospels to Jews, many of whom don’t even believe in God, much less, Jesus. Jews are a hard-headed people who will deny Jesus’ Godhood and cite excerpts from the Talmud, referring to Him as the son of a whore, etc. It...
A progressive pastor in a different tradition, preaching on Christ the King Sunday, told the congregation she did not like the Sunday because it pointed to Jesus being the victor over all our enemies in a “militaristic way.” She believed that Christ the King Sunday was at odds with the G...
How did the Roman Peace make it easier for Jesus’ disciples to preach? Unfa di pisiten ka feti an bi dë a Loomë bi heepi dee bakama u Jesosi u peleiki da hii sëmbë? jw2019 How did Eliezer know that Rebekah was the woman Isaac should marry? Unfa Eliazali bi du...
The next thing I thought about was in verse 14, “And if … his offering to the Lord is of birds …” This was the offering of a poor man. It was the offering that Joseph and Mary brought on the eighth day after Jesus was born. In and of ourselves, none of us has anything wort...
Preaching is hard, and learning how to preach can be scary. Very few people are excited by the idea of standing before a crowd of people, with all eyes on them, to deliver a thirty-minute talk. Public speaking was always on the top of my list of greatest fears—just below death, spi...
The "trespass" refers to Israel's rejection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This rejection led to the crucifixion, which opened the way for salvation to be offered to all nations. The "riches for the world" signifies the spread of the Gospel beyond the Jewish people to the Gentiles, ...
The word “preparation,” denoting readiness, reminds us that we are to be eager to preach the gospel of peace. The Church of God is sent to announce the good news of God’s Kingdom, which will spread His way of peace around the whole world. Having our spiritual shoes on, we will ...
21 He declareth how faithfully he preacheth the Gospel unto them, 5 seeking neither gain, 6 nor praise of men: 10 and he proveth the same by their own testimony: 14 that they did courageously bear persecution of their countrymen: 17 that he desireth very much to see them...
And how can they hear without someone to preach?NET BibleHow are they to call on one they have not believed in? And how are they to believe in one they have not heard of? And how are they to hear without someone preaching to them?New Heart English BibleHow then will they call on ...
and hear Jesus in his soul, but nothing of these descriptions happened to him, instead he saw many rituals in the church, like great old people pray and kneel in front of him, preachers preach something make people cry, and some people jump and go to Jesus to be saved (Hughes 549). ...