Former President Donald Trump clinched his first victory of the primary season Monday night at the Iowa caucuses.
"I'm very, very proud of my fellow citizens," Iowa GOP chairman Jeff Kaufmann said Monday. Earlier in the week, Kaufmann had expressed that the party was prepared for an "absolute avalanche of people." According toCBS News entrance pollsconducted Monday, first-time caucus-goers made up a ...
and in some states, people may vote before Election Day. The Iowa caucuses, on the other hand, are held in the evening and voters must attend in person in order to participate, except in a few isolated instances. Caucuses are run by political parties, whereas primaries are usually (but ...
The Iowa caucuses in the past have launched some unexpected candidates toward the White House. In 1976, Iowa propelled former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter, the little-known one-time peanut farmer. In 2008, the state gave Illinois Sen. Barack Obama his first win over Hillary Clinton, one of th...
How Iowa Caucus-Goers Looked at Their ChoicesJENNIFER AGIESTA
Iowa Might Not Be Key to the 2016 Nomination Every election cycle, Iowa is put under a magnifying glass. Every candidate who wants a chance at their party’s nomination turns to the Iowa caucus, the first for both Democrats and Republicans. It’s critical that candidates do well in the st...
Nevada voter not confident in caucus process after Iowa02:20 Americans evacuated from China discuss coronavirus quarantine04:08 Barr installs outside prosecutor to review case against ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn02:51 Virginia gun rights activist: 'Ready to show the government' I will stand fo...
The Iowa caucuses work by voters entering a caucus site such as a high school gymnasium at 7 p.m. and physically forming preference groups — all the Elizabeth Warren supporters stand in one corner of the room, and all the Joe Biden supporters in another, for instance. Voters may also jo...
The field is far from set, voters are just beginning to tune in and there's still a year before the first nominating caucus in Iowa. SEE: Week in Cartoons for Feb. 25-March 1 But the first inning of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary game belongs to Kamala Harris. The first-t...
What are caucuses and why is the first in Iowa so important? What is Super Tuesday? Why one day of the US election matters so much What are primary elections? Primaries are like mini-elections to select candidates in the two main parties for the general election. ...