The basics of Rocket League are simple: two teams, up to four players each, play soccer with rocket-powered cars. There are both single-player and multiplayer modes, but the focus is on the latter, moreso with the shift to a free-to-play model which means Epic is now selling loads of...
How many people do you know that are a true expert at something? I don't know any expert pianists, and my family is filled with musicians (most of which play the piano hours a day). This we agree on, but the fact is that not everyone puts in this kind of...
All stats are hidden… But of course any obvious and dumb cheaters will be caught. Do people want to cheat: Yes Is it easy to cheat: Yes To not get get caught is harder, but as said here, it isn’t that easy to tell. Which means that it is easier than many other games to not...
As I read through these, a village of living, active characters is being built up around me. The people who fully get your 3 Line method are presenting you with NPCs that are alive and active, usually doing something completely mundane when the PCs walk onto their stage, and with interesti...
Half of women players are also payers. Among players, 36% of women consider themselves a gamer, while 31% of women say that other people call them a gamer. Women and men who play games consider diversity in games important, with 65% of men and 62% of women affirming this point. Near...
Net Price Calculator, Six Months In: How NPCs Are Being Used and What It Means for InstitutionsSIX MONTHS INTO THE NET price calculator (NPC) requirement, the experiences of many colleges and universities can be best described as "a mixed bag." Questions or concerns that numerous schools ...
level using "MC Command Center" but it will be tiring if you have more than 100 NPCs that ...
In Death Stranding, Preppers are NPCs that give Sam orders that he can complete to earn rewards, including weapon and equipment upgrades, vehicles, and cosmetic items. You’ll encounter some of these Preppers as you progress through the game’s story, while the rest are optional. You’ll ...
aYou are not the only intelligent person in Skyrim - how unrealistic is it that NPCs do not use potions? How game-breaking that, if you install a magic mod, you are the only one able to use the new spells? That a fort is held by a handful of stupid bandits, instead of a swarm?
NPCs are the “Sisyphean machines” of video games, programmed to follow a defined script forever and never question or deviate. They’re background players in someone else’s story, typically tasked with furthering a specific plotline or performing some manual labor. To call someone an NPC in...