While some trans people identify themselves as being non-binary, others feel they do identify as either a male or female. Equally, some non-binary people do not consider themselvestrans, while others do. Just as all people are different, the identities ...
Agender:A person who does not identify themselves with or experience any gender. Agender people are also called null-gender, genderless, gendervoid, or neutral gender. Abimegender:Associated with being profound, deep, and infinite. The term abimegender may be used alone or in combination with ot...
nonbinarytransgenderBased on inヾepth interviews, we explore how people who do not identify exclusively or consistently as either women or men (i.e., nonbinary people) navigate a culture that bifurcates people into women or men. Using an interactionist approach, we first analyze how interview...
Your target audience is the group of people you’re trying to reach with your marketing campaigns. These customers are the ones who are most likely to buy your brand’s products or services. Typically, they have several characteristics in common. These characteristics may include: Demographics lik...
Do you identify as non-binary in your gender identity and wish your mental health practitioner understood more about your experience, needs, and perspective? Here's a bit of advice from a gender therapist as to how you can do this.
Off the top of your head, do you know how many MB are in a GB? It’s okay, most people don’t. In fact, we’d venture to guess that most people don’t know how much data they’re using or how much they have left on their plan until they get that dreaded “You’ve used al...
These days, we are seeing what can seem like a new gender diversity explosion, but is actually something very old re-emerging: the reality that gender has never been only binary. Recently, the gender identity term “nonbinary” has come to be used by many people who are not men or women...
Too many surveys fail to include options beyond “male,”“female” and “do not wish to disclose”
As with approaching any cause or cultural shift, becoming more gender-inclusive needs to be a comprehensive initiative. Companies should look at their employee makeup – are they hiring people across the gender spectrum? How are they supporting trans rights in general? Younger, and often more pro...
Per the LGBTQ advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign, neopronouns are a “step towards a society where people can more fully express all parts of themselves.” Some neopronouns were created by writers as far back as the 18th century, many of whom did not publicly identify as nonbinary, ...