Buckley, Chloe
You can come up with ideas by reading, watching movies, day-dreaming, talking to friends, observing strangers, remembering past events, and always asking, “But what if…?” Most of us have ideas all the time. Neil Gaiman, author ofCoraline,Sandman, and other famous comics, once said that...
Notice the inclusion of smells and Coraline's inner responses to the sensory elements around her. Yes, this is technically a kid's book, so Gaiman is pullingsomeof his punches here, but overall I think this is a good demonstration of his style: lean, and yet evocative, with attention to...
All of Neil Gaiman’s Halted and Canceled ProjectsCoraline — The Musical, which was set to debut in London in April, becomes the latest. flop eras3:09 p.m. EveryReal HousewivesCity’s Worst SeasonWhat is it about this franchise and 15th seasons?
A lot of comedians complain about being asked to “say something funny.” Comedians take “say something funny” as a threat. It’s sort of the same response a scientist has when someone demands, “Prove to me right now that evolution is a thing!” [...]