Everything has to be sold in metric units by law, however you'll often find that, for example, milk comes in a standard size of 568ml. We still call them pints of milk, or pints of beer. Also many products also include the imperial measurement of weight on them to help those who w...
Like kefir grains, water kefir grains are a mix of bacteria and yeasts, which feed on the sugar in many different sugary liquids to produce lactic acid, very small amounts of ethanol (alcohol), and carbon dioxide, which carbonates the drink on the second stage fermentation, as I show in ...
Next, in a pot, Bring coconut oil and almond milk ( I add almond milk instead of water) to a simmer no hotter than 220-280. Once your oils is at a simmer/hot, break your decarb’d buds into your oil and let ingredients simmer/marry for 30minutes to 1 hour (you may have to ...
½ cup, or a whole cup. These measurements can beconverted into ozsto use your scales, but you run the risk of inaccuracies on times and fiddly maths!
“Need”is the key word here. Without getting into a huge rabbit hole smack dab in the middle of this article, I’ll sum it up in a few bullet points: Our body can’t store protein and, like water, it must be replenished on a daily basis. The more you use, the more you need...
Which leads on to my other long time question: how much water should I add? My favourite whiskies are Laphroaig; Lagavulin; and Caol Ila (in that order), although I can also be tempted by the (4?) other Islay malts, and I like a 50:50 malt:water mix, which I achieve either by ...
One of my favorite stories about this goes back to the “No Meat” part. Many people (including probably several who are reading this post) either are or know someone who just can’t have a dinner without meat being involved. I am here to tell you that it IS possible to have dinner ...