Empty the entire 4 oz bottle of clear glue into a plastic bowl. Add one tablespoon of baking soda. Squirt in one tablespoon of saline solution. Stir for a minute or so until baking soda is dissolved and mixture starts to pull away from sides of the bowl. At some point, you will nee...
There are many tough days ahead, many happy hours, and sabotaging coworkers. Having a great reason WHY can be the light in the darkness that helps you navigate the maze of temptation. In our Nerd Fitness Coaching program, we call this “The Big Why,” and having a reason can be the...
Ruani recommends beginning your hydration with 14 to 20 oz of a sodium-containing drink between three and two hours beforehand. “Leaving it until you feel thirsty before taking a drink is too late. At this stage dehydration has already set in,” she warns. During exercise, Ruani says you ...
Dehydration is a key component of altitude sickness. At high elevation, fluid moves out of the blood and into the surrounding tissues which is why many people tend to swell up or bloat as they ascend. As the blood thickens, dehydration interferes with efficient distribution of nutrients and oxy...
Have tried my hands in many projects. I made soy and eo candles and they throw off no scent. I was thinking of doing lotion bars. Question is the sky candle and eo mix I made for the candles seem nice when I put them in a mold and am thinking why do I need all the other oils...
There are many operational systems in our warships and every system is equally important in its own right. Think about it, which is more important, cannon, drive motors, pump, steering, or balance? After a little reflection you will probably decide that all systems are equally important since...
I don’t think each one was more than 1 oz. and because the mold had so many cavities the making went very quickly. I found a scent called “baby powder” (don’t remember where now) and used that for the lotion bars and for soaps I made for the shower. Reply Kimberlee says: ...
Cod Liver Oil. I take 2-4 servings per day to get omega-3 fatty acids. If you don’t like taking so many pills, trysqueeze packets. Final Thoughts Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question, “Is this real, or is this just a ride?” And ot...
(Oz et al.2016). A high spatial resolution is, of course, desirable, but many electrodes may obstruct the flow within the tank. Larger, commercial hand-held probes can be used to measure physico-chemical parameters outside the tank, e.g. pH, salinity and temperature for the calculation ...
While there are many options, remember that there is no right or wrong way to combine beans and brewing methods. Single-Origin Coffee or Blend? When you consider a bag of coffee beans, first pay attention to whether the beans are all from the same region or whether they're from a vari...