To nip that problem in the bud,spray the entire shower two to three times a week with a well-diluted shower cleaner or full-strength distilled white vinegar with a few drops of tea tree oil. Reichert suggests one drop of oil to every two ounces of vinegar. (The vinegar combats scum and...
Once a woman is able to pump a full milk supply, 25 to 35 ounces (739 to 1,035 milliliters) per day, she can decrease pumping to about five to seven daily sessions [source: Mohrbacher]. Typical pumping sessions last 10 to 15 minutes per breast. An easy way of figuring out how ...
In a previous post, Nip asked about dosages and questions on how and when to take Art, bicarb and turmeric. I don't see your answer on the post and would like to know as well as I have a friend who is diagnosed with lung cancer and I would like her to have this info as well...
"There are benefits, for example, to drinking just five ounces of red wine per day," says Elizabeth J. Kovacs, Ph.D., director of the Alcohol Research Program at Loyola University Medical Center. The problem is that many women hear "drinking is healthy!" and then go overboard, or they...
How To Teach A Puppy Not To Bite With Discipline No-one wants to hurt their puppy, but when they are under attack, it’s common for desperate puppy parents to ask how to punish a puppy for biting. As you may have found out, puppies are tough and many puppies will simply bounce back...
For example, a runner who weighs 170 pounds (77 kg) would need about 4 ounces (119 grams) of protein per day. A 6 ounce (170 g) serving of chicken breast, a 5 ounce (140 g) salmon fillet, 1 cup (172 g) of steamed soybeans, and 2 large eggs would meet that daily need. Over...