【联名新品|「好瓶HowBottle」 x 「corona科罗娜」 就为这一刻重塑 一起保护海洋生态】 世界海洋日如期而至,@好瓶HowBottle 携手海滩生活方式倡导品牌@corona科罗娜,联名推出主题系列产品「就为这一刻重塑」...
【可持续品牌「好瓶HowBottle」与「Corona科罗娜」推出联名活动「就为这一刻重塑」】详情点击:O网页链接6月 8 日海洋日,可持续品牌@好瓶HowBottle 与高端啤酒品牌@Corona科罗娜 ,联名发起「就为这一刻重塑」活动,推出由回收塑料瓶和废弃渔网再生制作而成的背心包、沙滩巾和 T 恤等系列产品,其中所使用到的再生...
“As winemakers moved closer to the mountains, they encountered more stony and heterogeneous soils,” Corona says. Over the last decade, his geology research helped many wineries pinpoint the best sites to grow grapes. “If someone wants to find the best place to plant vines, and within that...
Math offers a hint: You’re likely to experience many more failures than successes, so if you know nothing else about your situation, be open to the notion (gasp) that this may be one of the failures. And, most important, that you and humanity will survive it. ...
You don’t think Andrea could mess up a bottled drink? You doubt her powers? I say order a bottled beverage and watch the lady work: “This is an Anchor Steam beer; it’s served warm just like a Corona, except that in stead of a slice of lime, you put anchovies in it! If you...
habit. THAT is why I am willing to add the few extra ounces of two side pockets to my Osprey EXOS 3 season pack. It continues the “side pocket arrangement” I had with my earlier packs.Same goes for the main compartment. Proper layering....