Many people believe that the only way to know you’re walking a “proper” or valuable is if you get the approval of social institutions (or shall I say social marketplaces) in the form of degrees and PhDs. The deep distrust we are conditioned to develop in ourselves paralyzes our abili...
Religious services and other Easter celebrations vary throughout the regions of the world and even from country to country. In the United States, many "sunrise services" are held outside, often in gardens or beside lakes where baptisms (representing rebirth) can be held on Easter morn...
PISA asked participants:“Do you think that you will pursue a career in science?”From the answers, the OECD guesstimates how many future scientists may be entering university. On average, the number was encouraging –26% of 15-year-oldsworldwide think that ...
As soon as money enters the picture, the skeptics are going to win some ground. The rise of money-making "exorcism ministries" around the world leads many people who might otherwise reserve judgment to outright reject the validity of the Catholic view of possession and exorcism, even though th...
Alas, many enthusiasts either didn't believe their ears or thought the Blue Oval badge too proletarian. In any case, production was slightly more limited than even SVT had planned: about 10,000 in 1998-99, plus a handful more in phaseout 2000. Ford was somewhat wide of the mark wit...
The Gregorian calendar, the most commonly used calendar worldwide, is a solar calendar based exclusively on the movement of Earth around the sun. It is derived from a calendar Julius Caesar instituted in 46 B.C. The Julian calendar calculated the length of the year at 365.25 days, so it ...
openly pine for the perpetration of similar atrocities in the West Bank; and as if PLO chairman and PA president Mahmoud Abbas did not describe Oslo as ‘the biggest mistake Israel ever made’, enabling the PLO to get worldwide acceptance and respectability while hanging fast to its genocidal ...
Orthodox Jewish Bible 1 How doth HaIr (the city, Yerushalayim) sit solitary, that was full of people! How is she become like an almanah (widow)! She that was great among the Goyim, and sarah (princess) among the provinces, how is she become a forced laborer! 2 She weepeth bitterly ...
That is home to many Hispanic and Orthodox Jewish residents. Cava managed to hold many precincts there that otherwise went for Trump or became nearly tied after previously being solidly blue. Its entirely likely Trump did make gains with Orthodox Jewish voters, but non-Orthodox voters, who in ...
Many charities have been responding to the destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey. Many will continue to respond over the coming months and years of recovery. One estimate is that 200,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed by the flood. Of these, 80% w