Let’s now put the abstract calculations into action and study the energy budget of a specific molecule: a prominent neural protein implicated in synaptic plasticity,CaMKIIα.CaMKIIαproteins contain 478 amino acids, its transcripts have ~4900 nucleotides99, and an average dendritic spine contains ar...
A DNA molecule has four "ends" - two on each of the two polynucleotide strands. How many of these ends are phosphate groups?Structure of DNA:DNA molecules are composed of two chains, or strands, of nucleotides that are paired along their lengt...
functional state by the last time point. The percentage of molecules that did not fold ranged from a low of 6% to a high of 70% (Table1, Fig.1aand Supplementary Data1). Since structure equals function, these percentages indicate there is an appreciable fraction of protein...