They’re based on a unique property of stringed instruments like guitar, bass and concert strings. But harmonics are used most often by guitar players, and they are found regularly in many genres of music. So what exactly are guitar harmonics? How do they work and how can you play them ...
though many of these concepts go deeper than we'll be able to in this primer. (SeeYngwie Malmsteen's "Arpeggios From Hell.") Metal players use arpeggios to construct sharp-angled riffs as well as in a lead context. Try building licks using the three- and four-note arpeggio...
If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, how do you know that a tree fell? Explain beats. Why are clockwise and counterclockwise referred to as "senses," rather than directions? Why do many musicians wear earplugs during their performances even though the intensity...
As the calendar turns to August, we begin to hear the words “back to school,” much to the chagrin of many students. This is a chance, however, for students to explore participation in their schools’ music programs, be it by playing an instrument in the band or orchestra, or by sing...
figure or symbol that shows how many times a quantity must be multiplied by itself 知乎用户rP4gto 创作声明:包含 AI 辅助创作 except / Ik5sept; Ik`sZpt/ prep ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (that...) not including (sb/sth); but not 除了(某人[某事物 ] )之外(表示所说的不包括在内) : The ...
Why is it that so many teachers forget what it's like to be a beginner? Not Jamie, she is the guardian angel of all guitar beginners. David Milton Jones, Student You've never seen teaching like mine! Would you like to? CLICK HERE FOR FREE INVITE TO MY WEEKLY CLASS! HOW TO GET ...
Knowing the names of the notes is great for: learning scales, keying songs, reading music, and to play in different keys of music. Sample Video "Harmonica Note Bending Help" Harmonica Bending Help, Hole 1 Draw The hole 1 Draw bend is the easiest on the harmonica for many people, but no...
How many modes are there? The seven main categories of mode have been part of musical notation since the middle ages. So, the list goes: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian and Locrian. Some of them are major modes, some are minor, and some are ambiguous. Some modes ...
Often, many of us focus on the concepts pertaining to Western music theory, with 12 chromatic steps and topics like triads and arpeggios. There are some instrumentalists, like a friend of this writer who studies the Ney, who may read this and feel it’s not quite written in their musical...
I've worked with too many musicians who felt that they needed a touch of alcohol to "loosen up" before performing. Unfortunately, things can get too loose. A while ago I worked in a cabaret pit band with a singer who felt that way. He'd have a few on show nights, and became a...