Bisexual stories can help if you think you might be bisexual. Here’s how to know if you're bisexual, according to bisexual women
Based on inヾepth interviews, we explore how people who do not identify exclusively or consistently as either women or men (i.e., nonbinary people) navigate a culture that bifurcates people into women or men. Using an interactionist approach, we first analyze how interviewees employ ...
News acknowledges the barriers faced by nonbinary people, data limitation made it impossible to include them in the anaylsis. Does Best States for Gender Equality rank non-states? Best States for Gender Equality does not rank Washington, D.C. or U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico. National...
Moving into the dorms for the first time or using the bathrooms or locker rooms on campus can evoke fear for many transgender and nonbinary students, experts say. So it's important to research a school's housing and bathroom policies – like whether they offer single-occupancy or all-...
Yellow represents gender without the reference to the binary, white represents many or all genders, purple represents gender between or a mix of female and male, and black represents a lack of gender. How to support and be an ally to non-binary people ...
“When in doubt, ask,” says Lords. “The way to give your partner the best oral sex they’ve ever had is to find out what they enjoy most. Many, many people will want more clitoral action than they’re getting, so that’s a good start.” ...
As Kumanyika [59] argues, while policy solutions to health disparities must be developed within the particular contexts in which they arise, such policies “can be informed by an appreciation of the commonalities and differences in how they occur and are remedied in different societies.” ...
and retirement—or the lack of paid employment—plays an important role in structuring people’s daily time budgets, we repeated the analysis steps by gender and education on a sample of respondents aged 70 to 75 when we would expect that many respondents included in these data would have reti...
When hiring managers and people teams don’t see problems in the hiring process, they don’t rush to fix them. Unfortunately, many people lack awareness about the pitiful state of diversity in their organizations — that is until they face the court of public opinion. Conduct a diversity ...
Prisons are also full of men, women, and individuals who have wounded inner children.Many criminals simply reenact the abusetheyexperienced as children.According to psychiatrist Bruno Bettelheim, these antisocial breeds of people came to identify with the abuser (which was typically a parent, family...