TaxonomyNew taxaMammaliaAvesPleistoceneGlobalWorldVertebrataQuaternaryVertebrataNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1038/315538a0Jared M. DiamondNature Publishing Group UKNatureDiamond, J.M. (1985) How many unknown species are yet to be discovered? Nature 315: 538-539....
All of the plants around us today are descended from simple algae that first emerged more than 500 million years ago. While new plant species are still being discovered, it is thought there are around 400,000 species in existence today. The huge diversity of forms that that these plantstake...
Sep 14, 2023 [Dublin, Ireland, September 14, 2023] Ocean Research and Conservation Association (ORCA) of Ireland and Huawei Ireland released the latest key findings on marine life protection in Ireland discovered during their joint work on the Smart Whales Sound project. The announcement took ...
A newly discovered species of dung beetle has 2n = 16 chromosomes. It mates with a closely related beetle species that has 2n = 12 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would there be in an allotriploid beetle produced from this cross? A、13 or 17 B、19 or 2
On this and many other occasions, Piot laid public claim to having definitively “discovered” Ebola, as reported in the 1977 paper published in The Lancet. BBC Hardtalk Worldservice, 1st October 2014. As recounted by Hans Rosling, statistician and communications specialist appointed by World ...
And that is exactly what the SARS-CoV-2 does, and what distinguish it from the previous corona species. Resuming some of the until now identified main features of the new SARS-CoV-2 and of its corresponding disease coined as COVID 19: The latter reflects the height of the power of the...
Southeast Asia’s warm, wet climate is helpful, as is its supply of coal, particularly in Indonesia. Many of the people in this part of the world are used to living in cramped quarters–three generations in a large one-room home, for example. Abundant forests provide a renewable source ...
Animal species in Australia: A great variety of the local fauna. A descriptive essay on this topic gives a detailed description of the reasons why there are so many unique animal species on this continent and includes listing some of them. Such essay subjects must be relevant only to the nat...
There are approximately 36 dolphin species known to humans today, found in fresh and saltwater environments across the planet Earth. Dolphins are a member of the marine mammal group known as cetaceans, which also contain whales and porpoises. Because of the many similarities between dolphins, whales...
Third, there is the possibility that the agnostids were parasites, living on and feeding off larger organisms. One reason that this seems possible is that there are many species of modern-day arthropods that exist as parasites, such as fleas, ticks, and mites. The agnostids might have lived ...