Neurologists call this navigational approach “guidance”, meaning that a landmark visible from a distance serves as the marker for one’s destination.D. Another city dweller might say: “What places do you remember passing? … Okay. Go toward the end of Central Park, then walk down to St...
The latest veterinarians' answers to questions from our database When to See a Veterinary Neurologist for Your Cat Answered by Dr. Lindsay Bisset, BVSc (Vet) Dog Stung by a Scorpion? Our Vet Explains What to Do Answered by Dr. Maria Zayas How to Aerate Water Without an Air Pump:...
As Dr. Jean Khoury, a neurologist, explains, "There’s usually an incongruence between the sense of familiarity and the fact that the situation should not feel familiar." Why Do Déjà Vu Experiences Occur? The phenomenon is rather complex, and déjà vu researchers have different theories ...
Five years ago, Meredith Arthur, a 45-year-old San Francisco resident and an employee of the social media company Pinterest, arrived at a neurologist appointment in a distraught state. She spoke a mile a minute, rattling through her extensive rese...
The famous neurologist Dr. Victor Frankel said, "For people who think there's nothing to live for and nothing more to expect from life, the question is getting these people to realize that life is still expecting something from them." ...
"Several different neurologists kept telling me nothing could be done and I needed to get to a level of acceptance," Kimberly Stehlik said. Instead, she turned to Shriners, which specializes in treating what's called abrachial plexus injury. ...
For Dr. Susan Broner, theheadachesbegan in fifth grade. "I remember exactly where I was, I remember how painful it was," Broner, neurologist and medical director of the Weill Cornell Medicine Headache Program, tells And she experienced her first migraine aura around age 20 while ...
The benefits of lucid dreaming: sleep, dream and boost your creativity French neurologist Professor Isabelle Arnulf recently discovered that her narcolepsy patients tend to become more creative than other people while sleeping. Why? They lucid dream. ...
Neurologists believe that the left hemisphere of the cortex is the logical control center of the brain; it operates on deduction, reasoning and convention. The right hemisphere, in contrast, controls imagination and creativity. A decrease in left-hemisphere activity fits with the hypothesis that ...
the sound when it scratches across the page. Each part of the memory of what a "pen" is comes from a different region of the brain. The entire image of "pen" is actively reconstructed by the brain from many different areas. Neurologists are only beginning to understand how the parts are...