This is the most well-known unbreakable block in Minecraft. Bedrock forms the lowest layer of the Overworld and the upper and lower boundaries of the Nether and the End. It prevents players from digging beyond the game’s designed limits, ensuring players cannot fall into the “void” below....
One of the more recent blocks to be added toMinecraft,mangroveisaquaticby nature. They can be found in themangrove swamp biome. The logs and planks of this wood have a reddish-pink shade over the natural brown that is a great match with theNetherand otherOverworlddesigns. 8. Cherry Blossom...
There’s plenty of room to enchant, sleep, smelt, and even go to the Nether! Just make sure to put a gate by the Nether portal, since too many zombified piglins were coming through while building. Featured Blocks 15 – Birchwood Cottage Tutorial by Jupitess Biome:Any This video is packe...
Potion of Fire Resistanceis the item we 100% recommend you bring along, as it will negate all the fire damage from lava or fires. And if you’ve ever been to the Nether, you know that lava and fires are everywhere. Also, single lava sources are generated everywhere in the Nether terrai...
The next step is to make a tube where the wither skeletons will fall from the portal. So, on the side opposite to where you placed the glass blocks, add more glass blocks that are attached to the Nether portal. There should be only aone-block wideandtwo-block-long holeagainst the porta...
Image Source: Mojang via The Nerd Stash Once you’re on your tamed Horse inMinecraft, you’ll quickly notice you can’t actually turn or control the Mount. To do this, you’llneed a Saddle; your best chance of finding one is in Nether Fortresses. They spawn in other dungeon chests as...
Remember, each block traveled in the Nether equals eight blocks traveled in the Overworld. You may want to consider leaving markers, like torches, that lead you back to the portal. Switching to “Peaceful” mode probably wouldn’t be a bad idea either — at least until you return home. St...
The Zombie Pigmen from the Nether came through the Portal and invaded the Overworld, taking the humans and Zek as their hostages. Now, the family is imprisoned inside the Nether under the Zombie Pigman Master's orders, and don't know how to escape. ...