How many countries declared war on Germany in WW2? How many First Nations fought in World War I? How many countries did the Seven Years' War involve? How many countries were involved in the War on Terror? How many countries were involved in the Crimean War? How many countries were involve...
How many countries were in NATO in 2012? How many soldiers did Austria-Hungary have in WW1? How many died in the Ukraine famine? How many people died in the Russian Civil War? How many nations participated in the Korean War? How many countries in Africa have had a civil war?
Many countries were involved in WWI, Germany being one of them. It is arguable whether Germany is responsible for the outbreak of war or rather the responsibility of individual countries such as Britain, Russia, France, Austria-Hungary and the Balkans collectively. However, Germany should be blame...
“bargaining chip” to end the Great War. On March 21, 1918Germanybegan their assault on Paris and almost captured the capital city in July. Unfortunately for the Germans, they did not get the final blow that they were striving for before America’s arrival. America did not only help ...
the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria joined Austria as the Central Powers. Britain, France and Russia allied against the Central Powers. Eventually, many other nations joined the Allied cause. Russia left the war by 1918, and the United States joined the Allies in 1917. In November of 1918, German...
from 1914 to 1918. It was a world war in the sense of the major European powers and their colonies using their resources to fight a war to the capitulation of the enemy. The home front, servicemen, money, technology, military policies, industry, and communications were lever...
At every Council I attended there was remorseless pressure to reach an agreement about some new law – always an extension of EU power – when there was no need for a new law and when many interested parties were against it or wanted it changed or watered down. We can see the dangers ...
Netanyahu to stay in Tel Aviv precisely because “foreign entanglements” was never part of America’s political pursuit. What we have seen over the past two decades or so is that the Founding Fathers were certainly right. Whenever America gets involved in foreign entanglements, troubles always ...
I became interested in historical revisionism and learned the real causes of Christendom”s wars, defeats, & bankruptcy. Unfortunately, I was many years involved with Nazism, The Aryan Nations movement, and was side-tracked in a near idolatrous dead end street. I often wondered why God did ...
Bill Gates (the second-richest man in the world, behind Bezos) has been working on a different kind of investment: the WHO. Gates has been considered by many to be a champion in the medical field during this pandemic… despite the fact that he has absolutely zero medical training. ...