The Hijri calendar is based on the lunar cycle and is used in many Muslim countries. The year 2023 in the Gregorian calendar overlaps with 1444 and 1445 in the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar uses the DD-MM-YYYY format. For example, the first day of the ninth Islamic month, Ramada...
a peace deal with Ethiopia was signed, which formally ended the state of war that had existed since the border conflict began. It also restored diplomatic ties with Somalia, normalised relations with Djibouti and strengthened ties with Kenya. ...
7. Aksumite Empire (Ethiopia) The Aksumite Empire was a kingdom that resided in what is today Ethiopia. Its capital city was Aksum. It lasted from the 100BC to roughly 1000 AD. So, it lasted 1100 years. It did not so much disappear as it lost its central importance with the rise of...
As vegan travellers, we can’t rely only on restaurant menus with vegan options marked – for the vegan movement hasn’t yet reached many cities around the world, and certainly not the rural countryside of most countries. Over the years, I’ve learnt to study menus, mix and match ingredien...
Persian theologians and astrologers and physicians, and cartographers from Central and South Asia and East Africa. Alongside these Muslim scholars worked Christians likeHunayn ibn Ishaq, a Nestorian who was personally responsible for preserving many ancient texts, and Jews ...