In spite of the mentioned difficulty, it is the most applicable method since we do not use any specific factor to decide about the dimension. We rely on the data provided by the municipalities and assign them to each dimension based on the general definitions as in Fig. 5 and Table 2. ...
None of these words explicitly refer to nature (natur) or the environment (miljö), but all can do so by adding prefixes: Miljöförvaltning is a common name for municipalities’ environmental departments; naturskötsel and miljövård typically refer to act...
Siokas and Tsakanikas [72] consider Smart cities and municipalities in Greece. Dudzeviciute et al. [73] look at the issue in Lithuania and Sweden. Pihlajamaa and Merisalo [74] analyze the situation in Finland. Smart cities in Norway are identified by Berntzen and Johannessen [75]. Sergi...