The DJI Mini 2 boasts a top flight speed of 36 mph (57.6 kph) with a maximum flight duration of 31 minutes. It can fly as far as 10km away in perfect conditions. What is the DJI Mini 2 return to home height? Initiating an RTH (Return to Home) command on a drone will prompt it...
and this drogue is out during the entire free fall. Without this drogue, the combined weight of the instructor and student would cause the pair to fall at 180 to 200 mph (290 to 320 kph) -- much faster than the normal 120 mph. The drogue slows the pair down to...
When the airspeed reached about 17 mph (27 kph), I could feel the hang glider lift me off the ground. As I was lifted, I moved my hands from the sides of the control bar to either side of its base. To fly, I had to do two things: maintain a constant speed and keep my ...
Sample specs for such a satellite might be an altitude of miles (20,200 kilometers) and an orbital speed of 8,637 mph (13,900 kph). Finally, it's possible to think about satellites in terms of where they're "looking." Most of the objects sent into space over the last few decades...
Taking a suborbital approach, California-based aerospace firm XCOR is working on Lynx, a two-seat commercial aircraft designed for high-altitude, supersonic flight. If successful, Lynx will cruise at more than 2,500 mph (4,000 kph) to an altitude of 62 miles (100 kilometers), then descend...
Knowing the units the speedometer is displaying is very important. Driving in an area with a posted speed in kph and reading the speedometer on your vehicle in mph is sure to get you a speeding ticket eventually. Driving by a kph speedometer where the posted limit is in mph will make for...
During this time, the storm achieved peak winds of 180 mph (290 kph) and deluged much of Central America, causing flash floods, avalanches and mudslides that destroyed coastal regions, particularly in Honduras. After ramping up once again to tropical storm levels, it struck Florida on Nov. 5...
The Bugatti Mistral recently set a world record, reaching an eye-watering 282 mph top speed with the roof off. This is an incredible achievement for many reasons, as the open top adds a considerable amount of drag while taking away the structural integrity gain...
If you've read the HowStuffWorks article How Force, Torque, Power and Energy Work, you know that power is equal to force times speed. So the amount of power used by the tires depends on how fast the car is going. At 75 mph (120.7 kph), the tires are using 12 horsepower, and at ...
The Bugatti Mistral recently set a world record, reaching an eye-watering 282 mph top speed with the roof off. This is an incredible achievement for many reasons, as the open top adds a considerable amount of drag while taking away the structural integrity gained from, well, ha...