The new Vespa models like Primavera can go up to a speed of 56.5 mph (91 km/h). Vespa 300 has a top speed of 74.5 mph (120 km/h). Vespa 125 can go up to 64 mph (103 kmph). The lowest speed for any Vespa model is 28 mph (45 kmph) for Vespa 50. Can you drive a Vespa...
Answer to: A woman can bicycle 19 miles in the same time as it takes her to walk 3 miles. She can ride 8 mph faster than she can walk. How fast can...
The average speed of an object that may be traveling at different speeds at different times is the ratio of the total distance covered by the object divided by the total time. It is a scalar quantity with a unit of m/s.Answer and Explanation: ...
If your car accelerates from rest at a steady rate of 4 m/s2, how soon will it reach 81 km/h (50.3 mph or 22.5 m/s)? If you are driving 110km/h along a straight road and you look to the side for 2.0s, how far do y...
A girl walks a distance of 300 m with an average speed of 1.5 m/s. What time is required to walk this distance? How long will it take to bike 26 miles at 12 mph? For her workout, Sarah walks north at the ...