The Whitworths were converts to the Mormon faith and, like many new followers of a religion, they were especially enthusiastic about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In particular, they appreciated the efforts Mormons make to help fellow church members in times of ...
Mormons are taught that obedience is the highest law. There are hundreds of rules detailing what they can or can’t eat or drink, the kinds of movies they can watch, and even the color and style of their underwear (which they buy from the church!). They trust in an external locus of...
These are in many cases things you and I could do a little differently and maybe it wouldn’t bear some obvious fruit in our lifetime, but would have an enormous influence. And I think all three of these are still relevant today, and they are beginning with step number one, convert a...
There are reams of compiled church records from around the world held by the Jesus Christ Church of Latter-Day Saints (aka the Mormons). You may find your ancestor’s birth or baptism (the next best thing) record among those records. You can also find church records in compiled books, on...
Mormons do not worship the cross. We are not interested in the crucifixion of Christ because we believe he paid for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane. Because Jesus began to fulfill his mission in the Garden and then completed it when he was resurrected, you would think that Easter woul...
The temptation to over-dramatize can be especially severe among faithful Latter-day Saints who take the Book of Mormon seriously, for they tend to be familiar with the Book of Mormons remarkably relevant and accurate description of the ways in which corrupt and ...
Is that because the parents of Arizona are worse than the parents in the other 49 states, or is it because the child sex trafficking network run by the rich Mormons in Arizona needs a steady, fresh supply of children, as we lear...
The Mormons who settled Utah had all kinds of crazy ideas: like how men should have as many wives as they can manage; Native Americans were from Israel; magic underwear; black people are cursed by god; and Mormon whisky, if it tastes anything like this, was delicious. I could go on…...
Local laws on scattering vary from region to region, and there may be forms or notices to fill out before scattering remains on public land, although many agencies tend to turn a blind eye: The National Park Service leaves the matter up to individual parks, and the National Forest Service ...
It allows easy access alright. But there’s a big but. The big but is that it allows access to only the patient’s big butt. In my personal experience, that part of the patient is not the focus of many medical procedures. And, contrary to what Google implies, the patient in a gown...