The original question was: I have heard Jupiter referred to as a failed star. That if the cosmic chaos of the early solar system had worked out a little different, and Jupiter had gotten a bit more mass, it might have been able to light the fusion engine and become ...
also discovering twenty-three new moons of the outer planets. Finding active volcanism on Jupiter’s moon Io, was probably the greatest surprise. It was the first time active volcanoes had been seen on another body in the solar system. Couple that with a an overwhelming amount magnetic, spectr...
000 feet below the surface. The data and images these robots report will help scientists study the deepest corners of the ocean. Orpheus could pave the way for exploring other planets and moons suspected to have water on them, including Saturn’s moon Titan and Jupiter’s moon Europa. Robots...
The logic behind their idea seems to have been that, since the Earth had one moon and Jupiter was known to have four moons, Mars must have had an intermediate number, i.e. two moons! However, an alternative explanation may be that the authors drew their inspiration from German astronomer ...
Secondly, one way to cool down is to place your forearms in a sink and run cool water over your wrists and forearms. I have no idea where the idea came from, but it does work Fireswampsays: June 28, 2021 at 8:44 pm Also cooling towels or ice packs to forehead/neck/armpits/wrist...
The logic behind their idea seems to have been that, since the Earth had one moon and Jupiter was known to have four moons, Mars must have had an intermediate number, i.e. two moons! However, an alternative explanation may be that the authors drew their inspiration from German astronomer ...
With adequate magnification, Jupiter shows off cloud bands on its surface, along with the Great Red Spot. The rotation of the planet is also observable and can be photographed over the course of one night. You also may notice the four largest moons that orbit Jupiter, and their changing posi...
got out her telescope and showed me the 4 moons of Jupiter. More amazingly she showed me Saturn and I saw its rings for the first time. My parents, 91 and 89, still live independently. It’s a great blessing to still have quality time with them. Even though the visits are quick they...
Jupiter receives the most delightful and sensuous send-off from the sign of Taurus on May 23rd when Venus creates a conjunction. Our two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, dance together in Gemini until the middle of June, creating quite a nice landscape for your Gemini house. Taurus and Gemini,...
In June 2020, Tennessee passed a lawlifting restrictions on family members who want to hunt or fish on family property. Under the new law, family members will not need a hunting or fishing license when participating on farmlands owned by a spouse, parent, or grandparent. Adrian Mojica write...