Theoretically, to reduce 400 mg/dL blood sugar to about 100 mg/dL, you would need at least 10 units of insulin. However, depending on your weight and other factors, a higher dose of insulin is almost always required. How are insulin doses calculated? Insulin may not be given in a sing...
Draw the required number of units of air into the syringe by pulling the plunger back. Draw air into the syringe equal to the amount of cloudy (intermediate or long-acting) insulin needed. Always measure from the top of the plunger(the edge closest to the needle). Insert the needle into ...
Dance is a type of cardio exercise that may appeal even to people who don't like going to the gym. It helps improve balance and coordination while it burns calories, and it can be a social activity as well. How many calories you burn depends on what type of dancing you do. Faster-pa...
Question: A child is prescribed 150 mg oral suspension for a fever. The medication available is 20 mg/2 mL. How many teaspoons should the nurse give the child? Using division in real-life problems: Suppose we have a...
How is the structure of a protein affected by mutation? How many grams of glucose would you need to make 500 ml of an isotonic glucose solution to infuse into a patient? What affects the activity of Bromelain the enzyme? Explore our homework questions and answers...
is highest when the glucose lowering effect of the insulin is maximal. As with all insulins, the glucose lowering effect time course of Tresiba®may vary among different patients or at different times in the same patients and depends on many conditions, including the area of ...
Many patients are told their TSH is in the “normal” range, but their levels are actually on the higher side of this range, which could be one reason why they may find it harder to lose weight. Functional medicine practitioners have further defined that normal reference ranges should be bet...
Stage 4: Severe CKD (eGFR 15-29 mL/min) Stage 5: End-stage kidney disease (eGFR under 15 mL/min) Symptoms generally only develop during stage 3, and many are nonspecific and easily attributed to other causes. These include persistent fatigue, foamy urine, dry or itchy skin, trouble sleep...
Type 2 diabetes is caused by a lack of glycogen storage capacity resulting from insulin resistance and excessive glucagon mediated hepatic gluconeogenesis. Diabetes progresses when HbA1c is above 6% and regresses when HbA1c is below 5.5%. Reversal can b
(ng/mL). 20 ng/mL to 50 ng/mL is an adequate level for bone and overall health, and a level less than 12 ng/mL indicates vitamin D deficiency. Many experts suggest that higher levels of vitamin D, 35 to 40 ng/ml, are suggested for preventive health. Levels higher than that do ...