with many people, but I feel we have developed a certain level of trust through the years. Here goes: I like to stirtomato pasteinto anything I cook that has a beef broth base. So brisket…pot roast…stew… you name it. A little dab of tomato paste will catapult it into the heavens...
Many a brewer has learned the hard way about overcarbonation of bottled beer- gushers and exploding glass bottles. The same can happen when brewing ginger beer - so many brewers will use plastic bottles with loosely tightened tops to ensure gas release or tin foil over the top. But if you ...
Winter is always the best season when you get hot pot eating, either in the restaurants or at home. We have encountered with the strongest cold weather around 4 days ago. Most of southern provinces had their first snow in this winter. In order to warm ourself up, we eat three times of...
My family’s tradition has been serving a prime rib dinner on Christmas Eve for many years. I’ve updated this post with more information for everyone. I decided to update the post today because we are getting close to the holidays, and I think many of you may be deciding what to fix ...
There were no clear guidelines concerning green labeling.
Mussels have a delicate flavor, so Sewall recommends practicing restraint when seasoning. He often sweats aromatics, like onions or leeks and garlic and herbs in butter, then adds the shellfish with a splash of white wine or light beer, like a lager or saison. The mussels will release their...
Since March, stovetop cooking hasn’t sounded the same in our kitchen. Instead of the click-click-click-poof of a gas burner igniting, turning recipe ingredients in a pan or pot into a meal begins with the beeps of buttons on a touch-sensitive display and then the pulsing buzz of an in...
Winemaking, also known asHomebrewing, is completely legal in the US and many other places. As follows is what I KNOW is legal in the US(1): 1. You can make up to 100 gallons by yourself or 200 max, if you live with other people, annually. ...
Although bartenders pouring cider isn’t commonplace in the capital, Madrid being the melting pot it is has many a bar where you can get a taste while you are in town. Some of our favorites are the famous Casa Mingo, El Escarpin and La Chalana near to the Bernabeu where the bar menu...
Using carbonation drops for secondary fermentation in beer brewing A common way to bottle beer orcideris to add sugar to each bottle individually using a spoon or bybatch priming. That can be messy or take a bit of time. For faster bottling times, many brewers usecarbonation drops ...