milliamps to amps conversionThe current I(A) in amps is equal to the current I(mA) in milliamps divided by 1000 miiliamps per amp:I(A) = I(mA) / 1000mA/ASo amps are equal to milliamps divided by 1000 miiliamps per amp:
Tutorial on how to Convert Watts to Amps, or how to convert Amps to Watts, conversion at fixed voltage or fixed current, how many watts in a volt, how many volts in a watt
Then read the meter in milliamps, and look up the corresponding power on a table. Actually, on one of two tables, one for the maximum sensitivity and the other for minimum, or fully clockwise and counter-clockwise. Calibration Steps Measure the DC resistance between the BNC center pin and ...
The MC3377xB Get Values block can start the conversion, wait until the conversion is ready and provide the results directly in milliAmps, microVolts, degrees Celcius, all human-readable values. All are cast to single, so if you need to transform from uV to V y...
The Precision Wideband Controller reacts to produce a pump current (Ipump) in one direction to consume the free fuel. The pump cell requires a "negative" current that goes from zero to about 2.0 milliamps when the air/fuel ratio is near 11:1. ...
mA = Milliamps. mAh = Milliamp-hours. State of Charge (SOC), Depth of Discharge (DOD), and Their Importance State of chargeis defined as how much a battery ischarged, or how “full” it is, as some would say. If a battery is half-charged, then the state of charge is 50%. This...
You need 5 volts at at least 0.3 amps (300 milliamps) -- you need no more than 2 amps, so do not purchase more power supply than you need. What you can do is buy the power supply, then cut off the connector and get access to the 5-volt and ground wires. That will work fine...
This particular transformer is rated at 3 volts and 240 milliamps. What you can see here are two windings. The purpose of a transformer is to convert one AC voltage to another AC voltage. In this case the transformer converts the normal 120 volt AC current in your house down to three...
While there are many different types of batteries, the basic concept by which they function remains the same. When a device is connected to a battery, a reaction occurs that produces electrical energy. This is known as an electrochemical reaction. Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta first dis...
You can use light emitting diodes (LED) in many applications to provide status lights and illumination. LEDs are true diodes, meaning that they will only conduct electricity in one direction. LEDs emit light at a single frequency (color), which you canno