Mcg (microgram) is a measurement of weight or mass equal to one millionth of a gram, while ppm (parts per million) is a measurement of concentration expressing the amount of one substance in relation to a million units of a whole. In other words, mcg specifies the weight of a substance...
A patient is prescribed 0.5 g of an antibiotic every 12 hours. The antibiotic liquid is labeled 250 mg/5 mL. a. How many mL should be used at each dose? b. How many mg of antibiotic are in each dose? c. How many ug ...
Take Advantage of Instagram Updates in 2018 As we continue to watch Instagram and Facebook innovate, it’s important to understand why these companies actually succeed. A number of social platforms like Vine, Twitter and Myspace, lost their competitive advantage when they lost the ability to rap...
The huge mistake that has been made in medicine is that vitamin D2 is equal to vitamin D3. This was okay as long as you’re simply trying to prevent rickets of serum 25(OH)D at 20ng/ml or lower. I have written about this many times. Vitamin D2 at the levels within serum normal...
We argue that understanding such a general ability will require a change in designs and analytical approaches in the study if individual differences in EP.Chang, Ting-YunCha, OakyoonMcGugin, RankinTomarken, AndrewGauthier, IsabelPsychological Research...
Jan 19th, 2019 9,537 0 Never Add comment Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text32.65 KB| None|00 rawdownloadcloneembedprintreport Zq5ES55zFa1hWZdqr6hNfN8kGkuJUPfwraI4Xwr2tVMHbWl10i6160cFZQZSy/+Zb5apzmMmCk5/zO+e+V5LXCsFWMaNBhRtOqWxMaoq9BEpDVr8Lk...
I actually feel a sense of responsibility for people who worked for me, which is a big reason why I’m willing to give them value even after they leave. When someone is let go, part of what they might struggle with is the narrative that’s being told in the office. Many would still...
Sequels and remakes have been flooding cinemas for years now. No childhood movie is safe from the hands of hungry Hollywood execs looking to cash in. Steven Spielberg haspredicted an industry “implosion”owing to too many big-budget flops. They don’t even care if you hate the remak...
It is commonly assumed that a heterotrophic ancestor of the supergroup Archaeplastida/Plantae engulfed a cyanobacterium that was transformed into a primary plastid; however, it is still unclear how nuclear-encoded proteins initially were imported into th
What’s unique about the wine industry is that because of the law changes when prohibition was repealed, there is an extra layer in each state of a distributor that doesn’t exist in many other consumer brands which adds to the cost of products on the shelf. On the flip side, I’ve...