Earlier this month, heofficially asked the U.S. Secretaries of Treasury, Commerce, and Laborfor better data about how many people are actually transitioning from full-time employment to freelance jobs. As things stand, it’s difficult to know how big the gig economy is or how fast it is g...
But all of these small steps combined have made this place a better place for getting around without so many cars. 6/15/2024: I rewrote the last paragraph after a better conclusion popped into my head not long after I woke up Saturday and added a little more explanation of Bike Angels....
from hospitality to data science and health care, a strong and compelling resume is critical for gaining attention from hiring managers. Many recruiters and human resources professionals charged with filling empty positions will view hundreds — sometimes even thousands — of resumes. They typically spe...
Depending on the venue, the event, and how many other people you have to share the profits with, you could earn as little as $25 up to hundreds of dollars per gig. Writing Songs Earning money as a songwriter is harder than the previous two income streams, but it’s still doable. ...
(some serious pitfalls here if you don’t know what you are doing), what price you should stick on that book of yours so that you can be enticing to readers but still make some scratch, and a few pointers on how to sell the blasted thing – as if you didn’t have enough to be ...
How To Become a Drummer A drummer plays the drums, usually as part of a band or orchestra Drummers can make a living touring, recording drums, teaching drums, or a combination of many paths Expert drummers highly recommend taking private drumming lessons ...
Choosing a blog niche where it’s possible to make money is Step #1. But the next step is finding a way to generate traffic to your blog. There are many resources dedicated to growing your blog’s traffic. And no single post is going to provide all the information you need on this to...
Outside the comedy club market, a comedian usually needs 30-45+ minutes of solid stand-up comedy material. If you can’t deliver the time, you won’t get the gig. Ideally, the new comedian has enough solid stand-up comedy material that they are able to rotate their material when they...
Ever since my beautiful and talented wife (The BTW) got one, I have lusted after an iPhone. Even though I really only use my current cell phone for…well…making phone calls, like many others I have been seduced by everything an iPhone can do. The Apple (AAPL) commercials that emphasiz...
2. Decide on a budget The dreaded B word. While many people dislike micromanaging their finances, anyone who wants to save money must mind their budget. If you don't have a budget that works for you, it's time to find one. Fidelity's suggests following the 50/15/5 rule, which means...