If you have the distinctive erythema migrans rash3that comes with many cases of Lyme disease, even if you're not sure you've been bitten by a tick. This red rash will likely expand and may start to look like a bull's eye. If you have flu-like symptoms that aren't going away, and...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Pennsylvania is an annual leader in the number of Lyme disease cases across the country.Some experts are trying to find out why and how we can cut that number down.Ticks are pests that can cause Lyme disease. Erinne Puvogel of Greenfield knows this all too well. Her...
Many struggle with proper detoxification such as phase I and phase II detoxification and this must be improved first. Thus, identifying what is best foryouis imperative. If you suspect the presence of Lyme but have not yet been tested, your ND may recommend the Western Blot test which has ...
Stunning advances in gene research and data mining will predict diseases and devise treatments tailored to each of us.
According to new research, cases of Lyme disease in the UK could be up to three times higher than estimated. Experts warn the tick-borne disease "is everywhere" and could result in as many as 8000 new diagnoses in 2019. The findings come after a team of researchers led by medical s...
Understanding Lyme disease The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 476,000 people may be diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year in the United States6 and the number of new cases has increased in many regions...
I am sure your journey is an encouragement to many. The reason I wanted to respond was that I have gone through mercury poisoning, Lyme, EMF sensitivity over the last 7 years. One therapy that has helped greatly with toxin identification & removal is Field Control Therapy, developed by ...
How many cases of a disease constitute an outbreak? How many foodborne disease outbreaks have there been in Europe? Who found the cure for the Black Plague? What is the epidemiology of leprosy and what are its virulence factors? How many countries are endemic for schistosomiasis?
One of the symptoms of Lyme disease is an expanding skin rash, which can appear between 3-30 days after a bite. However, many people never get or see a rash. This can be very problematic as missing treatment in the first stage of the disease will push you into the second stage. ...
How Many Bald Eagles Reside in Iowa? By the way, did you know that there are over 700 to 800 eagle nests in the state right now? True story. And a dedicated group of wildlife officials and passionate volunteers are working hand-in-hand to monitor and ensure the health of these iconic ...